Hello, and welcome to my first blog post !
I hope you have been able to find your way around the site, which seems to be growing by the day ! I have recently added some audio which link in to my Soundcloud account, and the full chapter of 'The Haunted School' which is in the book. I hope you enjoy the free chapter and it convinces you to buy the book. There are lots of really spooky tales in the book I can assure you !
I hope to keep this blog up to date with happenings and stories of where I live. I am so lucky to live in the shadow of Pendle Hill, synonymous of course with the Witch Trial of 1612 (there is a chapter in the book about that). Pendle Hill is a magnificent natural wonder, but steeped in dark and grisly history. She (I always feel the Hill is a 'she') looms over the landscape and dominates the towns and villages around. She is often clad in dark clouds, it rains a lot in Lancashire ! But on a clear day, a steep and arduous climb up the 'shoulder' of Pendle rewards you with the most wonderful 360 degree views. You can see far to the north and the Bowland Fells, west towards the Fylde Coast and the Irish Sea, south towards the Rossendale Valley and the mighty industrial landscape of Manchester and east toward Yorkshire and the forbidding North Yorkshire Moors. Pendle Hill is an atmospheric place, crossed by Ley Lines and the site of a Bronze Aged burial site, there have been numerous sightings and reports of strange lights over the years. Perhaps some were indeed witches, flying over the moors and fells on broomsticks looking for unsuspecting locals to terrify, or perhaps they were UFO's and visitors from another place. Who knows............
Until next time.......